Friday, January 31, 2025
Prayer Summit - April 5
ABC-MI Prayer Summit
Come join us for a day of powerful prayer, worship, and fellowship at our First Annual Prayer Summit!
Date and time
West Highland Baptist Church
1116 South Hickory Ridge Road Milford, MI 48380About this event
- Event lasts 2 hours
Welcome to the ABC-MI Prayer Summit! Join us at West Highland Baptist Church for a day filled with prayer, worship, and community. The people of ABC-MI churches will gather for the purpose of praying for the movement of God among & through us.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Psalm for an Aborted Child
You saw me before I was aborted.
Every day of my brief life was recorded in your book.
Every fleeting moment was laid out before my horrific ending.
Psalm 139:16
Translation mine.
The Love of Jesus Is Different
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(Melting ice on my front porch) |
I am praying for a love like Jesus.
To love as Jesus loves.
Like this.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Love Is What God Is
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(Downy woodpecker in my backyard) |
God is love. Love forms the very being of God.
"Love" is an essential attribute of God. Just as a triangle cannot not be three-sided, God cannot not-love.
Christian Trinitarian Theism best expresses this idea that God is love. In this way.
- God is a three-personed being. God is, essentially, a being-in-relationship.
- God as Father-Son-Spirit makes conceptual sense of the idea that God is love. This is because "love" is relational. "Love" requires an "other," an object to-be-loved.
- So, in the very being of God there is a unity of otherness. Which allows for love.
God does not love you because there is some command external to his being he must follow. God is love, therefore all God's thoughts and actions are loving.
God's love for you is genuine, 100% pure-squeezed love.
This means that when God thinks of you, he has a good feeling. God likes you. You are God's child, his son, or his daughter.
God made you, and what he has made God calls "very good."
You are deeply loved by God. Nothing can change this because God is love.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Now Reading...
I've settled down in our home office today, and am beginning to read two books.
The first is The Arc of Truth: The Thinking of Martin Luther King, Jr. By King scholar Lewis Baldwin. Reading a book like this adds to my ongoing African American religious studies, and my teaching as an Adjunct Professor at Payne Theological Seminary.
The second is Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? Examining 10 Claims About Scripture and Sexuality. By Rebecca McLaughlin. Christianity Today gives this one of the best books of 2024.
"Critically evaluating ten arguments for affirming same-sex sexual relationships on biblical grounds, McLaughlin combines cogent, accessible, and convincing exegesis with testimonies from those (like her) who experience same-sex attraction but believe that faithfulness to Christ precludes acting on it. Beyond defending relevant biblical prohibitions, she sketches a positive vision of life and opportunity within the church, grounded in an ethic of friendship love encompassing all believers. With its marriage of compassion and intellectual rigor, this book equips us to respond thoughtfully to the cultural confusions of our age." —Greg Welty, professor of philosophy at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
For more, see my working bibliography.
Understanding and Responding to Sexuality Issues: A Brief Bibliography
Those Who Have Been Forgiven Much, Worship Much
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(Worship at Redeemer) |
This troubles Simon. He chastises Jesus for allowing her to do this. Jesus responds, saying, "Simon, I have something to tell you."
On Sunday mornings I look at our people, my friends, my sisters and brothers. Some are crying. Hands and hearts are open. Some are smiling and rejoicing. How beautiful this is!
Why these responses? Because whoever has been forgiven much, worships much. But whoever has been forgiven little, worships little. True worship is in direct proportion to one's experience of forgiveness. Were Simon the Pharisee at Redeemer, he would be troubled by what he sees.
During worship I often think of how much I know I have been forgiven of. I also think of the unknown I have been forgiven of. To forgive is to have a debt cancelled. I don't have to pay any more. To forgive is to bring back into relationship. By the blood of Jesus, I find forgiveness. Atonement. Release. Forgiven, I am a captive set free. This moves me to tell God how much I love him, to say how thankful I am, and to worship him.
To worship.
προσκυνέω,v \{pros-koo-neh'-o}
1) to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence 2) among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence 3) in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication 3a) used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank 3a1) to the Jewish high priests 3a2) to God 3a3) to Christ 3a4) to heavenly beings 3a5) to demons
To kiss.
Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
To realize this is the beginning of worship.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Resources on Healing
Here are some resources I draw on about healing.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Understanding Comes First
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(Monroe County) |
Here's the note I sent to them.
or because they cannot trust you.
1. Understand.
2. Evaluate. (If at all.)
In knowledge and relationships, understanding comes first. And, while understanding another person takes time, it is time well spent.
African-American Spirituality: A Select Bibliography
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(One of my Spiritual Formation classes at Payne Theological Seminary) |
What a blessing it is for me to be an Adjunct Faculty member at Payne Theological Seminary!
My class is Spiritual Formation. I've been teaching this class for many years at a number of theological seminaries, seminars, workshops, both in the U.S. and in places around the world. Through the years it has been my privilege to instruct many pastoral leaders from Africa, and many African-American pastoral leaders.
Here are books that line my bookshelf, and populate my Kindle, on African and African-American spirituality.
- The New Jim Crow: Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (Must reading for anyone desiring to understand racism in America.)
- Never to Leave Us Alone: The Prayer Life of Martin Luther King Jr. (This is the book to read about King's praying life, a life entirely ignored by the secular media.)
- Revives My Soul Again: The Spirituality of Martin Luther King Jr. (This is the book to read on King's spiritual life, a life entirely ignored by the secular media.)
- The Arc of Truth: The Thinking of Martin Luther King
- "Thou, Dear God": Prayers that Open Hearts and Spirits
Frederick Douglass
Walter Fluker
Obery Hendricks (Hendricks is former President of Payne Theological Seminary and currently Prof. of Biblical Interpretation at New York Theological Seminary)
Robert W. Kellemen, Karole A. Edwards
Eric Lincoln
Malcolm X
John Mbiti
- My Moral Odyssey (Dr. Charles Brown of Payne Seminary recommended this to me.)
Albert Raboteau
- Jesus and the Disinherited
- Howard Thurman: Essential Writings
- Meditations of the Heart
- For the Inward Journey
- With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman
Gayraud Wilmore
- Black Religion and Black Radicalism: An Interpretation of the Religious History of African Americans
Vincent Wimbush