Thursday, October 10, 2024

Studying Jesus - Some Resources


(Jerusalem street)

One of my PhD qualifying exams was in Ancient Christology. Christology is still, for me, an area I study in. This is my first love: knowing Jesus, and making Jesus known. 

Here are books and websites I recommend for studying Jesus, with a few annotations. 

This list could be miles long! These are some I recommend. If you read these, you'll be well on your way in studying Christ and thinking Christologically. You will, increasingly, be able to separate the real from the false.


Gustav Aulen

Ruth Haley Barton

Richard Bauckham

James Beilby and Paul Eddy, eds. The Historical Jesus: Five Views

Michael Brown

Greg Boyd

Greg Boyd & Paul Eddy

James Charlesworth

William Lane Craig
Paul Eddy and James Beilby

Craig Evans

Craig Evans and N.T. Wright
Gordon Fee

Gordon Fee and Cherith Nordling Fee
Simon Gathercole, Robert Stewart, N. T. Wright

Gary Habermas

Larry Hurtado and Chris Keith

Craig Keener

J. N. D. Kelly

George Ladd

Amy Levine

Michael McClymond

Scot McKnight

Richard Norris and William Rusch

Eugene Peterson

Stephen Porter, Gary Moon, J. P. Moreland

Stephen Prothero
Fleming Rutledge
Lewis Smedes

Klyne Snodgrass

Mark L. Strauss

Lee Strobel

Rankin Wilbourne 

Dallas Willard 

Ben Witherington

N.T. Wright (No one, except Craig Keener, is writing more about Jesus than Wright is.)

N.T. Wright and Michael Bird


When the following New Testament scholars write a commentary, it's going to be worth reading.
  • Richard Bauckham
  • Craig Blomberg
  • D.A. Carson
  • Craig Evans
  • Gordon Fee
  • R.T. France
  • David Garland
  • Joel Green
  • Craig Keener
  • Andreas Kostenberger
  • Scot McKnight
  • Douglas Moo
  • Klyne Snodgrass
  • Ben Witherington
  • N.T. Wright - especially see Wright's "For Everyone" series.