Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Jesus Had a Praying Life


                                                          (Lake Erie, Monroe, MI)

(From my book 31 Letters to the Church on Praying.)

Dear Praying Church, 

Because Jesus prayed, so also are you to pray. When I was a boy, Elvis was my hero. I wanted to be like him. I remember a day when I took an Elvis album cover into the bathroom and propped it against the mirror so I could see it. There I was, with my face in the mirror, next to the King’s. 

Then, I attempted to curl my lip like Elvis did when he sang. I took some hair gel and tried to recreate Elvis’s hair. I began to speak like Elvis did, in that low, smoky, bluesy baritone voice. All this and more was hard work, but worth it if people would see the resemblance. 

Finally, I was ready to walk into the real world. I left my house and Elvised into my friend John’s backyard. I was hoping he would see that I looked like you-know-who. When he saw “Elvis,” namely moi, John said words that shattered me. “So, you’re trying to look like Elvis again.”

Trying? I want to be him! 

We want to be like those we worship. In many ways, we become what we worship. When I began to follow and worship Jesus, I wanted to be like him. I wrote a worship song that was recorded by some Christian artists. It was called “More Like You.” I recorded it myself, and Linda and I had it played at our wedding. 

To be like Jesus. To be formed into greater and greater Christlikeness. (Galatians 4:19) 

1 John 3:2 says, 

Dear friends, 

now we are children of God , 

and what we will be has not yet been made known. 

But we know that when Christ appears,  

we shall be like him, 

for we shall see him as he is.

What was Jesus like? Well, he prayed. 

Here’s my reasoning. 

 1. Jesus is my Great Shepherd. 

2. My Great Shepherd spent much time praying. 

3. Therefore, I spend much time praying. 

We read these words in Luke 5:16: 

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. 

Jesus prayed. Often. 

For decades it has been my habit, weekly, to go to a lonely place, and pray. I do this for several reasons. But mainly, I do it because this Jesus that I worship did it, and I want to be like him. 

As do you.

When you look into the mirror, see the face of Jesus next to yours. He’s calling you to meet with him and talk with him and listen to him, often. 




Imitate Jesus’s praying life.