Thursday, September 05, 2024

Richard Hays's Widening of God's Mercy - Preston Sprinkle's Review


                                                  (Ice on the River Raison, Monroe)

I've taught spiritual formation at an African Methodist Episcopal seminary since 2007. This fall, I'm teaching at Payne Seminary again.

I love teaching there, it's a privilege and an honor, and I love all the students I have instructed.

I was recently pleased that, at the AME's Quadrennial Session (Aug. 21-27)), they rejected a proposal to strike down its ban on same-sex marriage. (E.g., see HERE.)

 On a related note, I (and others) have been looking forward to The Widening of God's Mercy: Sexuality Within the Biblical Story, by Christopher and Richard Hays. Year ago I read the latter's The Moral Vision of the New Testament, in which he argues for a position on gay marriage like the AME Church. But in Widening, Hays changes his mind and now believes God affirms same-sex marriage.

The new book comes out next week.

Now I wonder whether to buy it, after reading Preston Sprinkle's thorough review of it. See that... HERE. This review is a seminary class in logic, theology, exegesis, and hermeneutics.