Monday, June 24, 2024

A Week of Remembering


Today I wrote this letter to my church family.


Good morning, Redeemer family!

Yesterday morning I spoke on 1 & 2 Chronicles. These books "chronicle" what God has done for the Israelites.

As we read Chronicles we are reminded of how God is with us, has not abandoned us, and goes before us.

Chronicles says, don't forget who God is and what he has done! 

Linda and I built remembering into our spiritual lives over fifty years ago. We have chronicled many things Go has done for our church, and for us.

We have long discovered that remembering these things keeps hope alive in our hearts.

Yesterday I handed out journals, and challenged our people to make this a week of remembering. When God reminds you of something he has done, in your life, and in our church family, write it down.

I invite you to join me this week, and make it a Week of Remembering.
