Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Help for Worrying


(Cancun sunrise)

I still worry too much. My worry comes from losing spiritual focus. 

I can mentally acknowledge that God is with me. But there are times when this truth does not capture my heart. At that point, I am susceptible to worry.  

Here are things that combat worry.

  • Spending solitary praying time with God. This restores my heart to its proper place. In His presence, my agitated soul finds rest.
  • Being in community with my brothers and sisters. Authentic Christian community absorbs worry. (Thank God for the small groups Linda and I have been in over the years!)
  • Reading Scripture and meditating on it. Scripture escorts my heart into His Kingdom. 
  • Listening to experienced Jesus-followers, and learning from them. Many counselors dispense wisdom.
  • Remembering how God has been with me.
  • Counting my blessings. (I often carry a list of them, looking at them, and giving thanks to God for them.)
  • Organizing and doing. Taking action, where I am able and available. 
  • Walking in obedience. Living righteously secures my attachment to Jesus.
  • Worshiping. When my soul sings, worry flees.

Doing these things recapture my heart. My renewed heart experiences God with me, working through me, assuring me that I am not alone, and that He is with me.

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