(Levi and family in our backyard.)
I am a reader.
A slow reader.
I read meditatively, even the newspaper.
I slow-read the Bible. In brief pieces.
I have always done it this way, over my fifty-three years as a follower of Jesus.
I have never been able to "read the Bible in one year." I would never keep up! I am the tortoise, not the hare. Which means I get there, slowly, and for me deeply, over time.
I have found that this slow, meditative reading of the Word builds something solid in my soul, over time. God-knowledge accrues.
Dallas Willard writes, "If you read the Bible, desiring that God’s revealed will should be true for you, do not try to read a great deal at once." (Willard, Dallas. Hearing God Through the Year: A 365-Day Devotional, p. 242)