RSOM is open to all who want to learn and grow in Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, and be equipped for the ministry to which God is calling them. All courses will be in the live-streaming online format (using Zoom). This mid-September we start with two back-to-back six week terms, four online courses each term, featuring these topics:
Term I
- The Holy Spirit & the Spirit-filled Life
- How God Changes the Human Heart
- Introduction to Theology I
- Growing in the Ministry of Healing
Term II (Begins 11/2)
- Christian Worldview
- Soul Health
- Introduction to Theology II
- Foundations of Biblical Worship
Each online class will meet once per week at 8 pm-9:30 pm ET/5 pm PT, on one of the following evenings: Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays.
If you're interested, get more information and sign up by clicking on our website link provided here . Fill out the brief contact info form you'll see on the info page, and we will get back to you. The cost is so low it's CRAZY! It's only $10 per six-week course, or $25 for all classes offered per 6-week term. Click on the link to sign up!