Friday, October 04, 2019

18 Declarations to Increase Influence and Leadership

-          (From Steve Backlund, with some edits.)

    1. Adaptability–I will thrive no matter what happens.
    2. Hope –I believe the future will be better than the present and I can help make it so.  
    3. Forgiveness– My intentional forgiveness creates well-being for others and for me.  
    4. Long-Term Thinking –My beliefs and choices are leaving a positive legacy for generations to come.
    5. Joy and Laughter–I have strength and longevity because I consistently activate joy and laughter in my life.
    6. Solutions –In every situation I face, I have many options, solutions, and ideas. There is always a solution.
    7. Beliefs About Others –I see people according to their potential, not according to their past.
    8. Soul Prosperity –My response to something is almost always more important than the something.
    9. “Bottom-Lining” –Even if the worst happens, I will be okay.
    10. Training Focus –My current challenges and frustrations are my training ground for the greater influence I will have in the future.
    11. Follow Through and Integrity –I make commitments with forethought, and I follow through on what I say I will do.
    12. Staying Relational – I will not withdraw my heart from people who disappoint me or that I hear negative information about.     
    13. Forward Movement–My forward movement in life causes doors to open.
    14. Courage–I am brave and move towards challenges.
    15. Authenticity –My authenticity connects my heart to people and gives hope to them.
    16. Decision Making –I am a great decision maker and actively trust in the decisions I make.
    17. Valuing Process –I don’t wait for perfection to celebrate progress.
    18. Encouraging Others –I encourage others daily.