I thank God for giving me Linda, my beautiful life partner.
I find her beautiful on the outside and on the inside.
Linda has an extensive ministry to many people. She is a source of wisdom for many.
She is a compassionate God-seeker and prayer warrior.
She saturates her soul in God's Word.
Linda has a fierce, loyal, unswerving faith in Jesus.
She has many gifts, and uses them for the glory of God.
She is a great support and strength to me. Linda is the only person on the planet who can make me laugh uncontrollably.
She loves her sons and daughters-in-law deeply. And, she loves her coming grandchild.
Linda prefers hot summer days over the polar vortex.
She has music in her soul, and pours it over her students.
I often think, "I am married to her!" (For forty-six years this August 11!)
Thank you God, for giving Linda to me, and to so many others!