(I just emailed this note to my Redeemer family.)
Good Morning Redeemer Family - Jesus is risen!
What a beautiful experience we had together on Easter Sunday morning. Great, Spirit-led worship (thank you Holly, worship band, and worshiping church), beautiful special music (thank you Victor), and one of the most inspiring Easter sermons I have ever heard (I've never heard a sermon like this before - thank you Tim).
All this and more causes me to give thanks today. And, to pray.
For over forty years I have been taking Tuesday afternoons to pray. My praying times have been between two to six hours. So, as is my habit, I'll go out to a quiet place tomorrow and pray.
If you have something you would like me to pray for (which Linda and I will keep private) please send me your request. I consider it an honor and a joy to pray for you.
And, during my praying times, God speaks to me, about me.
Blessings to you all in these powerful post-resurrection days!
P.S. - Thank you Trevor and Youth Leaders, and to Matt Holladay, for leading this past weekend's youth retreat!
For what I have learned from praying, see my book Praying: Reflections on Forty Years of Solitary Conversations with God.