Our new Educational Wing |
(This is especially for my Redeemer family, and anyone interested in what we are doing.)
December 18, 2017
Dear Redeemer Family:
Here are some things I want to share with you.
REDEEMER KIDS CHRISTMAS CAROLING AT THE LUTHERAN HOME: On Tuesday, Dec. 19, Linda will be taking 18 of her Redeemer vocal students Christmas caroling at the Lutheran Home. I will be accompanying them on guitar. Mary Walls is there, so we will spend some special time with her.
ONE-HOUR SEMINARY: This Tuesday night, Dec. 19, I will be on Facebook Live again. 9-10 PM. I will teach live for 30 minutes on “How to Know the Will of God.” Then, up to 30 minutes of live Q&A.
OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUNG ADULT GROUP continues to meet. Linda and I and several in our Home Group were at the meeting two weeks ago and were pleased and grateful for what God is doing in this group!
YOUTH GROUP THIS THURSDAY, DEC. 21, WITH JOSH BENTLEY: This Thursday at Youth Group, Dec.21 we will have Josh Bentley coming to teach on what the real Christmas story looks like and we will have time at the end to have some snacks and time to hangout together.
CHRISTMAS EVE MORNING AT REDEEMER: We will preach on the Incarnation, the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. Tom White will give his testimony of how God rescued him out of darkness and into the light. Plus, Holly and Linda have been working with our kids to help us lead one of our worship songs.
CHRISTMAS EVE AT REDEEMER: Dec. 24, 6 PM. We’ll have communion together, then have our traditional candle-lighting as we sing “Silent Night” together. This event will last an hour or less.
A LARGE GROUP OF REDEEMER PEOPLE will be traveling to Kansas City to be at the annual One Thing Conference. This happens Dec. 28-31. Please pray for safe travels. I love it when our people attend these kind of events. It adds so much to our church family! And, thanks to all who are leading and putting the trip together.
NEW YEAR’S EVE WORSHIP AT REDEEMER: Join Linda, I, Holly, and others as we spend New Year’s Eve together at the church building. We will start with games and snacks at 9 pm. Then, praise and worship from 11 to midnight.
ANOTHER BASKETBALL & PIZZA NIGHT! Wow – we had 50-60 people at our recent Basketball and Pizza Night! We ordered 20 pizzas! So, why not try for another one? Basketball & Pizza Night – Sunday, Jan. 7, 5 PM.
MY BOOK – LEADING THE PRESENCE-DRIVEN CHURCH: The book should be out soon. Right now, it’s in the final production phase, as the publisher does what is needed to get it up on Amazon and other sites. The book has nine chapters. I want to do a Sunday night BOOK STUDY for four Sunday evenings, 5-6 PM, Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4. The game plan is to cover two chapters a session. You read the book in advance, then I teach and respond to questions. My book is mostly about what I have seen God doing at Redeemer, and how leadership works in a church like ours. Please pray about joining me for these four evenings. And, it is my joy to have dedicated this book to YOU, my brothers and sisters of Redeemer Fellowship Church.
OUR ANNUAL CHILI COOK-OFF is January 21, 2018. Save the Date!
NATIONAL PRAYER SUMMIT – FEB. 22-24: I will be one of the speakers at the National Prayer Summit, Feb. 22-24, in Spring Arbor, MI. Also speaking will be Steve Beaumont from Bethel Redding. The main speaker is George Otis of The Sentinel Group. (George was one of our Green Lake speakers years ago.) Go HERE for information and registration.
WENDY BACKLUND FROM BETHEL REDDING will be the main speaker at our HSRM Women’s Conference, March 15-18, in Dayton, Ohio.
STEVE BACKLUND FROM BETHEL REDDING will be with us for a weekend at Redeemer, May 18-20.
REDEEMER GIVING: You can give online by going HERE. (redeemerfellowshipchurch.com)
Linda and I bless all of you with a meaning-filled week leading up to another Christmas celebration in our church and homes!