Friday, May 24, 2024

Good Leadership Is a Channel of Water Controlled by God

Squirrel, in my back yard

In the past week at Redeemer three different people felt led by God to do something that would involve our church family. 

Each person shared their idea with me. Each idea sounded like a from-God thing. And, each person will be the leader of the vision God gave them.

This is how most things happen at Redeemer. Our people pray. God calls them to do something. If it involves our church family, they share it with me. I become one of their support persons, cheering from the sidelines as they lead.

Advantages of doing leadership this way include:
  • the pastors doesn't have to come up with things for the people to do
  • the pastor doesn't have to recruit people to do those things
  • the people experience God leading them to do something
  • the people gain ownership over the God-given vision
  • the people grow in leadership
This is leadership in a Presence-Driven Church. It is more exciting than top-down, hierarchical leadership. It's healthier, too. We are not striving to make some event happen. It's about hearing from God, and following. Then, watching God produce the results.

We see this in Proverbs 21:1:

Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God;
he directs it to whatever ends he chooses.
(The Message)

My leadership book is:

Leading the Presence-Driven Church