Friday, December 30, 2016

Praying Book Study at Redeemer - Jan - May 2017

Image result for johnpiippo praying

I will lead a five-month book study on my new book Praying. In this study, which will include practical application, we will cover many aspects of a praying life. I will take participants deep into a life of prayer. 

Everyone who attends will receive a copy of the Study Guide. 

First meeting - Saturday morning, Jan. 7, 10 AM, in the blue classroom. 

I will teach out of my book. 

You can attend without buying the book, or you can purchase it at

This class will meet once a month, Jan - May. 

Our prayer focus will be the Psalms. 

A sign-up sheet is in the lobby. Or, send me an email -

Praying Book Study at Redeemer - Jan - May 2017

Image result for johnpiippo praying

I will lead a five-month book study on my new book Praying. In this study, which will include practical application, we will cover many aspects of a praying life. I will take participants deep into a life of prayer. 

Everyone who attends will receive a copy of the Study Guide. 

First meeting - Saturday morning, Jan. 7, 10 AM, in the blue classroom. 

I will teach out of my book. 

You can attend without buying the book, or you can purchase it at

This class will meet once a month, Jan - May. 

Our prayer focus will be the Psalms. 

A sign-up sheet is in the lobby. Or, send me an email -

God Desires Participants, not Admirers


Soren Kierkegaard writes:

"Is God's meaning, in Christianity, simply to humble man through the model (that is to say putting before us the ideal) and to console him with 'Grace,' but in such a way that through Christianity there is expressed the fact that between God and man there is no relationship, that man must express his thankfulness like a dog to man, so that adoration becomes more and more true, and more and more pleasing to God, as it becomes less and less possible for man to imagine that he could be like the model? ... Is that the meaning of Christianity? Or is it the very reverse, that God's will is to express that he desires to be in relation with man, and therefore desires the thanks and the adoration which is in spirit and in truth: imitation? The latter is certainly the meaning of Christianity. But the former is a cunning invention of us men (although it may have its better side) in order to escape from the real relation to God." (In David Augsburger, Dissident Discipleship: A Spirituality of Self-Surrender, Love of God, and Love of Neighbor, 28)

Real Jesus-following is a following-after Jesus, a participation rather than spectating. It's not pew-sitting and being entertained, but "following the footsteps of Christ in imitation" (St Francis of Assisi, in Ib., 27). Real Church was never meant to be an entertainment center.

David Augsburger says that authentic Jesus-spirituality "accepts no substitute for actual participation." (Ib.) Augsburger writes: "We are not observers, not spectators, not admirers, not onlookers, not conceptualizers, but participants. Participation is the central theological framework of all careful thought-about spirituality...

...The ideal of discipleship as participation through the imitation of Christ is a recurring theme, reemerging wherever the practice of following Jesus in life is given priority." (Ib.)

Anyone who claims to belong to Jesus must follow the path taken by Jesus. As Richard Stearns has written, Jesus is looking for disciples, not "deciders."

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Human Freedom Is Not Incompatible with God's Foreknowledge

Chicago Theological Seminary

Someone read my post on the compatibility of God's foreknowledge and human free will. They contacted me with a question, and then posted their question here, which reads:

"Recently I was reading about foreknowledge and free will, and looking at views that say that the two are incompatible and compatible.
In regards to the views that say the two are compatible, the people arguing for this view were bringing up the 'modal fallacy'. They formed their argument as such-
Given that A=God knows X will happen and B=X happens, there's a difference between the following two statements: 1) It is not possible for A to be true and B to be false, and 2) If A is true then it is not possible for B to be false.
The argument is that the first statement is true, but the second is false. However, I don't understand the difference between the two. The first statement is saying that A and B can't be true and false respectively (they both have to be true). So if God knows X will happen (A), then X will happen (B). Isn't the second statement saying the same thing but in a different way? It says that if A is true, then B cannot be false. This seems to be true as well, but somehow it's false (and different than the first statement?). Apparently, if A is true then B doesn't NECESSARILY have to be false, but that doesn't make sense, because the first statement literally said that it's impossible for A to be true and B to be false (and this statement is accepted to be true!). So, if A is true then doesn't B necessarily have to be false?
I don't seem to understand the difference between the two statements, and more importantly I don't get why the first statement is true but the second is false."

I emailed them my response to this, which is:

The two statements are not saying the same thing.

Statement 1 does not commit the modal fallacy.

Statement two does. Here’s how it does.
A conditional statement is made of two statements, an antecedent statement and a consequent statement.

E.g. – If God knows John will eat an orange, then John cannot not eat an orange. The consequent is equivalent to: It is necessary (logically) that John eat an orange.
But that statement (i.e., the consequent) ascribes logical necessity to a contingent event. In doing that, the modal fallacy is committed. Because: 1) it is possible for John to eat an orange; 2) It is probable (more or less) that John eat an orange; but 3) It is not logically necessary that John eat an orange. Thus, statement 2 commits the modal fallacy of ascribing logical necessity to a contingent event. (Because it is possible that John doesn't eat an orange.)

Therefore, God’s foreknowledge and human free will are not incompatible.
See esp. – The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "Foreknowledge and Free Will" (scroll down to "The Modal Fallacy").

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas - I'm Still Celebrating

I put this slide show together and showed it on Christmas Eve at Redeemer. I used some of my winter photos taken in Monroe, and added quotes on the birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas! (I'm still celebrating...)

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Uncovering Jesus at Christmas

We had ten inches of snow in Southeast Michigan a few weekends ago. This prevented a number of our people from coming to the church building on Sunday morning.

On Monday Linda and I were driving on Elm Street in Monroe. The snowfall had stopped. Everything was coated white. Even the nativity scene in front of one of our funeral homes was feeling the effects.

Linda pointed to the scene and said, "Look, something is wrong." Yes. The manger had so much snow on it that you couldn't see the point of it all. I looked and saw Mary, Joseph, animals, but no Jesus.

This bothered me.

I returned to the manger scene later in the day and took a photo, as evidence that a white Christmas covers up Jesus. It's not something we should be dreaming of.

As lo, the days of the week hastened on, the image of the snow-covered Jesus stayed with me. On Saturday it was still on my mind. I was at the state park on Lake Erie, working on my sermon. Snow-covered Jesus was getting to me. I thought, "This is a symbol of how the holidays have overrun Christmas and layered over the real Christmas." The "holidays" are a cover-up, drawing attention from the actual event.

Then it hit me. I am to go back to the manger, clear the snow off baby Jesus, and uncover him for the world to see.

I drove to the funeral home and parked. I put on my gloves, and grabbed my camera. There were two men shoveling the sidewalks. Because I'm still not perfectly secure in my missional activity, I wondered what these men might think of me. And, it's a fairly busy street corner. People might see me. They might recognize me as Redeemer's pastor. Some already think we're a crazy church, since we believe in demons, angels, healing, miracles, signs, and wonders. And in Jesus, who believed all those things, too.

I walked through the snow, stood before the manger, and bent low over it. Is there a baby beneath the snow? Yes - to my delight and joy - there he is! Jesus, uncovered. Jesus, revealed. Revelatione Jesu. O holy night! Joy to the world!

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Violent Night (An Alternative Christmas Story)


In Revelation 12:1-7 we have an alternative nativity story. Eugene Peterson writes:  “This is not the nativity story we grew up with, but it is the nativity story all the same.” (Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination, 121)

This is why C.S. Lewis referred to the birth of Christ as an act of war. Christmas, said Lewis, is about "The Great Invasion." In chapter 7 of Mere Christianity he writes:

"One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it talked so much about a Dark Power in the universe--a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease, and sin...  

Christianity agrees that this universe is at war. But it does not think this is a war between independent powers. It thinks it is a civil war, a rebellion, and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel.

Enemy-occupied territory--that is what this world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage." 

Christmas Eve was the night before the Great Invasion. The creatures were stirring, even the mouse. We see this upheaval in the non-holiday telling of Christmas found in Revelation 12:1-7. It reads:

A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. 

And there was war in heaven.

Robert Mounce says that: 

  1. The "woman" here is not Mary, but the messianic community, the "ideal Israel"
  2. Out of the messianic community is born a "child," a Messiah; 
  3. The seven-headed red dragon is Satan (Rev. 12:9; 20:2); and
  4. Satan is looking to devour this child; AKA Jesus the Christ. 

Mary has already been prophetically warned about such things. In Luke 2 we read that...

...the old man "Simeon took him [baby Jesus] in his arms and praised God, saying: "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." 

The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too." 

Violent night

Holy night

All's not calm

All's not bright

Christmas Eve - that violent night when the Light of the World descended into darkness..

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Day Your Reputation Died

Bolles Harbor, Lake Erie, Monroe

One of my struggles has been about what other people think of me. I have gone up and down, at times, with the evaluations of others, whether good or bad.

I believe I have a modicum of victory over this disease, but am not all the way home yet. I still have my moments of false security and insecurity.

I know where I need to land. It's on the foundation of my true identity, in Christ. When this is rock solid in my spirit, and I stand on the truth that I am fully loved no matter what, I can listen to the praise and blame of others without taking them on myself. In those times I am free, and love others more perfectly.

Scot McKnight writes:

"Sometimes the implication of listening to the voice of God is that we ruin our reputation in the public square. Loving God involves surrendering ourselves to God in heart, soul, mind, strength - and reputation. The minute we turn exclusively to the Lord to find our true identity is the day our reputation dies. We learn, as Thomas Ã  Kempis puts it. that when you surrender your reputation, "you won't care a fig for the waggles of ten thousand tongues."" (McKnight, in Rediscovering Advent, 25)


My recent book of prayer is: Praying: Reflections on 40 Years of Solitary Conversations with God.

Monday, December 19, 2016

My Sermon on The Lord's Prayer - No. 3

You can listen to my third sermon on the Lord's prayer HERE.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

To learn about our church go to our website - Redeemer Fellowship Church.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Eight Books by Henri Nouwen in One Volume

Eight of Henri Nouwen's books are now available in one volume - The Spiritual Life: Eight Essential Titles by Henri Nouwen.

Only $12.99 for your Kindle.

  • Intimacy
  • A Letter of Consolation
  • Letters to Marc About Jesus
  • The Living Reminder
  • Making All Things New
  • Our Greatest Gift
  • Way of the Heart
  • Gracias

The Spiritual Life: Eight Essential Titles by Henri Nouwen by [Nouwen, Henri J. M.]

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Looking for a Study Bible?

The only Study Bible to get is: NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, edited by Craig Keener and John Walton.

I've been using it for a month now. It is brilliant!


“How I wish someone had put a book like this into my hands 50 years ago.” - N.T. Wright, Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews, Scotland

“I cannot recommend a study Bible any more than this one: Five stars!” - Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary

My recent book is Praying: Reflections on 40 Years of Solitary Conversations with God.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

"Viability" Is Irrelevant to Personhood (and Abortion)

Monroe County (Ford pickup emerging from the womb)

On Tuesday, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law a bill that would ban the procedure of abortion at 20 weeks after fertilization. The New York Times says: “The new law makes no exception for rape or incest and, like the heartbeat bill, is part of a dangerous nationwide effort to roll back abortion rights that has gained momentum with Donald Trump’s election.” ("Rolling Back Abortion Rights After Donald Trump's Election")

“Abortion rights” is a euphemism for “kill an inborn person.” The new Ohio law is part of an effort to roll back the right to kill someone.

I and many others are against abortion precisely because we believe the inborn entity is a person, and that all persons have the right to life. To conclude that the inborn entity is a person obviates exceptions for rape or incest. Rape and incest are horrors. But we don’t murder persons who are innocent on account of these conditions.

Unfortunately, the Ohio bill does not go far enough. The conceptus-embryo-fetus will have to make it past 20 weeks to guarantee survival.

“The Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot ban abortion before viability, which most experts put around 24 weeks.” (Ib.) But “viability” is irrelevant if the inborn entity is a person (using, e.g., a substance view of personhood). Viability does not change the nature of the fetus so that a non-person turns into a person. Viability measures medical technology, not one’s personhood or humanity.

The viability criterion seems to be arbitrary, therefore irrelevant to the question of whether the unborn is fully human. The “viability criterion” only tells us when some persons in our culture want to accept the personhood of the unborn. I have no moral obligation to accept someone else's category mistake of defining "person" technologically, rather than philosophically and/or religiously.

“In Ohio there’s “a new sense of outrage” and a growing sense of urgency in fighting for reproductive rights.” There’s another euphemism – “reproductive rights.” Again, this means “the right to kill inborn persons.”
I, and many others in our country, have long had a sense of outrage at the mass slaughter of inborn children. Now, perhaps, the time is coming when this horror will be abolished, and inborn children will have an opportunity to live beginning at conception.

My recent book is Praying: Reflections on 40 Years of Solitary Conversations with God.

Overcoming Spiritual Self-Blindness

Image may contain: night and sky
The moon, 200,000 miles above my house

I once was invited to speak to medical students at Michigan State University's School of Human Medicine. I talked with some of them after my presentation. The subject of self-evaluation came up. The students told me they were advised not to diagnose themselves when experiencing troubling symptoms. They should get an outside evaluation from another physician. The reason for this is that it is hard to see clearly when you are self-involved. This is also why you and I should, in general, stay off the internet when we are symptomatic.

The same principle holds, generally, in the spiritual and moral life. In Psalm 19:12 the psalmist writes, Who can discern their own errors? The answer is: no one, or at least, not many.

We are notoriously blind when it comes to our own spiritual self. One symptom of spiritual self-blindness is going up and down with the opinions of people, about you. Both self-grandiosity and self-hatred indicate a lack of self-revelation.

The remedies for this are:

1. Immerse yourself in the Jesus community. Be part of a small, home group fellowship. Over the years I have learned much about myself in small group contexts.

2. Have a spiritual mentor. Connect with someone who cares for you and loves you enough to tell the truth, as they discern it, about you.

3. Abide in Christ, and as part of that abiding pray, Search me, O God, and know my heart. I have found that, as I do this, God reveals the truth about me, either immediately by His Spirit, or mediately by His Spirit through people and circumstances.

When we come to see more truth about who we really are, it is all accompanied by God's perfect love, even when the truth is a hard one. This is all redemptive, all part of the rescue of us.

My recent book is Praying: Reflections on 40 Years of Solitary Conversations with God.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My Sermon on The Lord's Prayer - No. 2

Redeemer sanctuary

You can listen to my second sermon on The Lord's Prayer HERE.

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.

The Marriage Is More Important Than the Wedding

Monroe County

I have done many weddings, and seen fewer marriages. The wedding gets all the hype and attention, but the marriage is more important. Many weddings are little more than a selfie; a marriage is meant to be a lifelong selfless.

Eugene Peterson writes:

"When I talk with people who come to me in preparation for marriage I often say, “Weddings are easy; marriages are difficult.” The couple wants to plan a wedding; I want to plan a marriage.

They want to know where the bridesmaids will stand; I want to develop a plan for forgiveness. They want to discuss the music of the wedding; I want to talk about the emotions of the marriage.

I can do a wedding in twenty minutes with my eyes shut; a marriage takes year after year after year of alert, wide-eyed attention.

Weddings are important. They are beautiful; they are impressive; they are emotional; sometimes they are expensive. We weep at weddings and we laugh at weddings. We take care to be at the right place at the right time and say the right words. Where people stand is important. The way people dress is significant. Every detail— this flower, that candle— is memorable. All the same, weddings are easy. But marriages are complex and difficult.

In marriage we work out in every detail of life the promises and commitments spoken at the wedding.

In marriage we develop the long and rich life of faithful love that the wedding announces.

The event of the wedding without the life of marriage doesn’t amount to much. It hardly matters if the man and woman dress up in their wedding clothes and re-enact the ceremony every anniversary and say “I’m married, I’m married, I’m married” if there is no daily love shared, if there is no continuing tenderness, no attentive listening, no inventive giving, no creative blessing.

- Peterson, Eugene H., Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best,.Kindle Locations 852-863)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Marriage Takes Work

Our front yard

I began playing guitar at age five. I took lessons in a guitar studio in Rockford, Illinois. I was too small for an acoustic guitar (I don't think they had mini-guitars at the time). So, I started off on slide guitar.

I took lessons for two years. My parents, and my instructor, agreed I should stop. I did not want to practice, taking lessons was a waste of everyone's time. Lessons don't do a thing if you don't apply them. 

When I was thirteen I wanted to play electric guitar. I bought a cheap guitar and began to practice. I wanted to play like the guitarists I heard on the radio. Desire always leads to discipline. I desired, therefore I worked hard at learning to play guitar.

Excellence at anything requires commitment. It's the same with marriage. If a person wants an excellent marriage they have to be intentional, and work at it.

One of the things Linda and I have done since we got married is have a regular Friday night date. Only weddings and funerals interrupt this. Plus, we had read many books on marriage, listened to audio teachings, attended marriage conferences, and led them. Even if a particular book is not that great, the simple act of discussing marital matters is marriage strengthening.

Developing a strong marriage takes a lifetime of time, focus, and investment. It's like mastering a foreign language: you either use it or lose it. Marriages erode over time if not attended to. Do not expect your marriage to stay the same if you neglect it.

Here are some books that have helped us along the way. Pick one and read it together. Discuss. Engage in continuing marital education. Don't expect instant results. Be gardeners who till the soil, plant the seeds, water the garden of your marriage, and trust God for growth.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts.

Gary Chapman, Now You're Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy for a Stronger Marriage.

Bill and Lynn  Hybels, Fit to Be Tied: Making Marriage Last a Lifetime.

Walter Trobisch, I Married You.

Mike Mason, The Mystery of Marriage. 

Paul Tournier, To Understand Each Other

My recent book is Praying: Reflections on 40 Years of Solitary Conversations with God.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sin as False Orientation, and Its Cure

Monroe county

Whatever happened to "sin?" 

If you use the word “sin” in public, some people will view you as a medieval religious crazy person. Like: "Justin Bieber sinned a few days ago." Say that and you'll get accused of being "judgmental."

To which I respond: Chill out, people. “Sin” is just a word. It refers to something very alive and real.

  •  “Sin” is a word that refers to behaviors and actions that create alienation and isolation.
  • “Sin” is a word that refers to choices and non-choices that cause emotions of anger and vengeance and sadness and bitterness and bring tears and loss and grief and cries for justice and so on and on and on…
  • If sin wasn’t about something very real and very dangerous and very alienating, half the movies that are made would not be made, and innumerable tweets would be meaningless.
  • “Sin” is a big-time reality word. There are not a lot of things more real than the reality of “sin."
  • The English word “sin” is just an ancient word that refers to a reality that is still with us. 
  • Everyone does it. Everyone has it. If you don't have it then you can start throwing stones at the rest of us.
Sin is only meaningful if it has a reference point. The reality of sin evokes the question "In reference to what?" "Sin" falls short of something. Sin doesn't measure up. If there's no reference point then moral outrage is absurd, and "sin" doesn't exist.

Everyone - me and you and you-know-who - has messed up and landed short of the Reference Point. 

Sin, writes Francis Spufford, is the Human Propensity to Mess things Up (HPtMtU; except that Spufford uses another word for 'screw'). 

"For us, it refers to something much more like the human tendency, the human propensity, to [mess] up. Or let’s add one more word: the human propensity to [mess] things up, because what we’re talking about here is not just our tendency to lurch and stumble and screw up by accident, our passive role as agents of entropy. It’s our active inclination to break stuff, “stuff ” here including moods, promises, relationships we care about, and our own well-being and other people’s, as well as material objects whose high gloss positively seems to invite a big fat scratch. Now, I hope, we’re on common ground. In the end, almost everyone recognizes this as one of the truths about themselves."
- Spufford. Unapologetic: Why, Despite Everything, Christianity Can Still Make Surprising Emotional Sense, Kindle Locations 408-413)

When Jesus-followers talk about "sin," it's this sort of thing that we mean. It's a universal human condition, "unless you're someone with a very high threshold of obliviousness." You may not like the word sin. In the meantime, sin marches on.

Here's an example of "sin," from today's New York Times:  

"A bomb ripped through a section reserved for women at Cairo’s main Coptic cathedral during Sunday morning Mass, killing at least 25 people and wounding 49, mostly women and children, Egyptian state media said.
The attack was the deadliest against Egypt’s Christian minority in years. Video from the blast site circulating on social media showed blood-smeared floors and shattered pews among the marble pillars at St. Mark’s Cathedral, the seat of Egypt’s Orthodox Christian church."

This provides an ostensive definition of "sin": By "sin" I mean... (while pointing to that horrific event).

Examples are everywhere and easy to find. You don't have to look far or read about them, or see and experience them for yourself. To find sin up close and personal, look no further than your own self. Spufford writes:

"For most of us the point eventually arrives when, at least for an hour or a day or a season, we find we have to take notice of our HPtMtU. Our appointment with realization often comes at one of the classic moments of adult failure: when a marriage ends, when a career stalls or crumbles, when a relationship fades away with a child seen only on Saturdays, when the supposedly recreational coke habit turns out to be exercising veto powers over every other hope and dream. It need not be dramatic, though. It can equally well just be the drifting into place of one more pleasant, indistinguishable little atom of wasted time, one more morning like all the others, which quietly discloses you to yourself." (Kindle Locations 415-420)

The Christian idea of "sin" is that it is a universal human condition. (All the major world religions believe this, BTW. They just disagree on the cure.) "Sin" is just the particuar word that refers to this universal condition.

Literally, in Greek, to sin is to "miss the mark." The idea of sin is that humanity is off target, spot off. The condition is there; you can refer to it by whatever word you want.

"You can put it as Freud did, and say that there are unconscious processes which resist and subvert conscious intentions. You can think of it in terms of evolutionary biology, in which case one of the best expressions of it is the geneticist Bill Hamilton’s wonderful description of the human animal as “an ambassador sent forth by an unstable coalition.” Or you can quote St Paul: “What I would not, that I do. What I would, that I do not.” Wherever the line is drawn between good and evil, between acceptable and unacceptable, between kind and cruel, between clean and dirty, we’re always going to be voting on both sides of it, despite ourselves. Not all of us, on every subject, all the time, of course; but all of us on some subject or other some of the time. 

And this is a state of affairs in the face of which we are, for the most part, currently clueless, toolless, committed to alarmed denial rather than to any more useful or hopeful response."
- Ib., Kindle Locations 472-479

This means me. And you. 

The Human Propensity to Mess Things Up is in here, in the heart. Without persons like you and I sin would not even exist.

And it is after your heart. In Genesis 4:7 God warns an angry Cain: “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.

Here "sin" is personified. "Sin" functions like a personal agent who wants to infect you with its disease so as to manipulate and control you. (Think of "Gollum" in "The Lord of the Rings.)

These ancient words are so relevant! I am constantly in touch with drug, alcohol, porn, or whatever addicts, who contact me in hopes of rescue. And I am in constant contact with my own self, as well.

When sin takes up residence in a human heart this is called "addiction." It gets "attached" to you (from the French word for sin, attaché ).  Addiction (sin) is a "beast." ("Treating the Beast of Addiction") It wants to have you. When it pierces its talons into your skin it digs deep, into heart and mind and soul. Sin captivates, longing to capture your soul.

When this happens, the fun is over.

For a long time.

For some, for a lifetime.

It is easy to empirically verify the existence of sin. "Empirical verifiability" means this: a statement is true (= a certain state of affairs obtains) if that statement is verifiable in principle via the five senses. (Analytic statements, such as A is A, are true analytically; i.e., the predicated state of affairs is contained in the subject.)

Alvin Plantinga, in 
Knowledge and Christian Belief, writes: "G. K. Chesterton once remarked that of all the doctrines of Christianity, the doctrine of original sin has the strongest claim to "empirical verifiability."" (K1179) Crudely, this means: open your senses and behold how screwed up humanity is.

Plantinga writes: "It has been abundantly verified in the wars, cruelty, and general hatefulness that have characterized human history from its very inception to the present. Indeed, no century has seen more organized hatred, contempt, and cruelty than the late and unlamented twentieth; and none has seen it on as grand a scale." (Ib., K1188)

Add to this people who lived self-reflective lives and have, upon introspection, discovered "seeds of destruction" and "violence within." (Like Augustine, e.g., in his Confessions.) I have. And you would see the same in you, if you routinely subjected yourself to self-examination.

Is religion the cause of sin in the world? No. Religion identifies it, and proposes a cure.

Has our world evolved beyond the sin disease? No. It's worth noting that the cause of most human suffering due to sin has been perpetrated, at least in the 20th century, by atheists. As Plantinga writes elsewhere:

"Of course the world’s religions do indeed have much to repent; still (as has often been pointed out) the suffering, death, and havoc attributable to religious belief and practice pales into utter insignificance beside that due to the atheistic and secular ideologies of the twentieth century alone." (Plantinga,
Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism . Oxford University Press. Kindle Location 104.)

Thus we can be done with the sophomoric, unstudied idea that sin is the special province of religious people. And we can be rid of the unstudied idea that talking about sin is "old-fashioned" and archaic.

If sin is the human problem, what is the cure? I have some former university students who are scientists researching a cure for cancer. In order to find a cure they must first understand the disease. The more they understand what makes the disease tick, the greater they can understand what could be done to stop it.

The Jesus-claim is that sin is primarily a false orientation of the heart. The biblical metaphorical idea of the human "heart" is that it concerns our orientation, our basic inclination, what we love, what captivates us, what we are captured by, what we most worship in life. Sin is therefore understood as false orientation. Which means:

The cure for sin is reorientation, re-captivation. This explains what the cross of Christ is for, and why it is effective. As Paul writes in Romans 6:13: 

13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

New Testament scholar Scot McKnight writes:

"On the cross, God gave his Son for our salvation, atoning for our sins and restoring our relationship with him. But this is only one aspect of God's work on the cross. Salvation is ultimately about deliverance—from our own sins and from sin in general—so that we can be conformed into the image of Christ." (McKnight is explaining Dallas Willard's theology of the cross.)

On the cross sin was defeated. This established a new possibility for sinful persons. Since sin causes a breach in relationship, Christ's death opened the way (the temple "curtain was torn") into God's very presence. Now, the human heart can decide to orient itself towards Christ. As Romans says, we can "offer every part" of our heart to him.

This is not about some kind of "sin management." It is about relationship orientation, made possible by Christ's death on the cross. The cross allows for a greater, more intimate captivity with God. Now I can become a "slave of Christ."

This is the Jesus-answer to the sin disease and its cure. And, beyond that in this life, we experience ongoing transformation of the human heart into greater and greater Christlikeness and freedom. (Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 4:19)