To hear God don’t
focus on hearing God.
Focus on cultivating
relationship with him, out of which hearing emerges as a byproduct and a skill.
For example, in
marriage the ongoing, sustained relationship provides the environment for Linda
and I to hear and understand one another.
When it comes to
hearing and understanding God the same relational rules apply.
Get beyond the
question of hearing God and into the life that is greater than our own; viz.,
that of the kingdom of God.
Our concern to hear God’s voice must be overwhelmed by our
worship, adoration, and fellowship with him.
To learn to hear God,
focus on the more primordial and foundational thing, which is the abiding
relationship in Christ. (Hearing God's voice is not like going occasionally
to a fortune teller for advice.)
(Tomorrow morning at Redeemer I'll preach on "How to Hear the Voice of God.")