King David, Psalms &Today's Worshiper:
How to find your own language in worship
King David didn't have a hymnal, a worship team, or power point slides to tell him what to sing or say to God in worship. He had a relationship. Out of that relationship came the most incredible collection of worship expressions. The Psalms reveal David's love language to God. This workshop will dive into David's relationship with God, take a journey through the Psalms in hopes to help you find your individual worship expressions to God.
Teacher: Holly Benner
Class meets: Wednesday mornings, 10 AM - noon.
First class - Wed., Sept. 16.
Last class - Wed., Nov. 18.
Discovering the Real Jesus
We live in a culture that often misrepresents the real, historical Jesus. The purpose of this course is to raise the level of the students’ Jesus-literacy and experience of Christ. In this course students will:
- · Study about Jesus from the biblical texts, as understood within the historical context in which they were written.
- · Study some of the current real Jesus literature as an aid to understanding the biblical accounts of Jesus.
- · Learn how to distinguish the real Jesus from the fictional.
- · Encounter and experience Christ as an ongoing, living reality.
This will be accomplished through classroom readings, class discussion, and homework assignments.
· Using scripture and book excerpts:
o Define who Jesus said he was
o Define who Jesus was by the things he did
o Debunk our presuppositions
o Define our life actions based on the Jesus of the gospels
Teacher: Jim Collins
Class meets: Sunday mornings, 9 AM - 10:15 AM
First class: Sunday morning, Sept. 20
Last class: Sunday morning, Nov. 22
The Book of Isaiah
Isaiah wrestles with the realities of people who are not convicted by the truth but actually hardened by it, and with a God whose actions sometimes seem unintelligible, or even worse, appears to be absent. Yet Isaiah penetrates beyond these experiences to an even greater reality. Isaiah sees God’s rule over history and his capacity to take the worst of human actions and use it for good. He declares the truth that even in the darkest hours, the Holy One of Israel is infinitely trustworthy.
Teacher: John Piippo
Class meets: Sunday evenings, 6-7:30 PM
First class: Sunday evening, Sept. 20
Last class: Sunday evening, Nov. 22
If a book is required you will be expected to purchase it on your own.
If you cannot afford a book please let us know and we will help you with this.
All classes meet at Redeemer Fellowship Church, 5305 Evergreen, Monroe, MI 48161
Register for classes:
- Sign up in church lobby
- Call our office - 734-242-5277
- email John Piippo - johnpiippo@msn.com