Coming Events at Redeemer
JOSH LEWIS IS PREACHING THIS MORNING, OCTOBER 26. Josh has been part of our Redeemer family since he was young, and served as a missionary in Ireland for a year.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD PACKING PARTY immediately following service on Sunday Nov. 9th
ANNUAL CHILI COOK-OFF AND LUNCHEON - After the worship service on Sunday, Dec. 7.
REDEEMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE COMING THIS WINTER: We plan on having registration on Dec 13th. The league will start on Saturday, January 10th. We plan on playing 10 weeks with an 11th being playoffs, and taking a week off for Pinewood Derby at the beginning of March. The league will be open to children from 5th through 12th grades. Contact persons: Chris Verhille, Karen Reaume, and Daniel Reaume.
TORAH – THE FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. This RMS class is open to anyone who wants to be part of an in-depth study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Meets Sunday nights beginning January 4. 6-8 PM at the church. Teacher: Pastor John Piippo.
BAPTISMS – SUNDAY MORNING, November 30. If you wish to be baptized please let me know.
COFFEE & APOLOGETICS - Begins January 2015. Wednesdays, 9:30-11, at Panera Bread.