A Tuition-free Ministry School - REGISTER FOR FALL CLASSES!

Redeemer Ministry School will be tuition-free in 2013-2014.
Students will be responsible to purchase their texts. (Note: We may have scholarships available for students who cannot purchase the required texts.)
Students from outside of the Monroe area will need to secure their own housing. We can help you make contacts.
Want to study with us in the fall? Let me know - johnpiippo@msn.com.Redeemer
3 ways to sign up for classes: 1) call the church office to sign up - 734-242-5277; 2) send John Piippo (johnpiippo@msn.com) or Holly Benner (oneeseemus@gmail.com) an e-mail; or sign up in Redeemer's lobby.
The Fall 2013 semester will begin September 10.
There will be no classes Thanksgiving week.
Last day of Fall classes is: Friday, Nov. 22 (No classes on Thanksgiving Week and in December.)
Listed below are the classes for all three trimesters. If you are interested in enrolling, please see the application page.
Fall Trimester
Spiritual Formation
In order to be used by God as an agent of renewal and transformation one must themselves be in a continual place of personal renewal and transformation. This course will combine times of personal prayer, spiritual journaling, and teaching from biblical and historical resources on what it means to dwell in the presence of God and be renewed and transformed.
Time: Tuesdays, 9:30am – 1:00pm
Instructor: Dr. John Piippo
No required texts.
Kingdom of God I
The main teaching of Jesus was about the “kingdom of God” or “kingdom of heaven.” This course will present the major interpretations of the meaning of the kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed. Students will learn to understand the real Jesus from the perspective of God’s kingdom message.
Time: Tuesdays, 5pm - 8pm
Instructor: Jim Collins
Required texts: The Gospel of the Kingdom (George Ladd); The Secret Message of Jesus (Brian McLaren)
Bible Study Methods I
This course will provide students with systematic methods of studying scripture. Through those methods students will also learn how to practically apply their understanding as they study different books of the Bible.
Time: Wednesdays, 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Instructors: Dee Carveth and Debbie Church
Required text: Grasping God's Word
Intimacy & Identity in Worship
True worship and adoration comes from intimacy with God. It is founded on the understanding of God's great love for you. Intimacy & Identity in Worship will focus on building and furthering that love relationship with Him while defining what a lifestyle of worship looks like. This class will include an in-depth look at Song of Solomon and Old & New Testament character studies.
Time: Friday, 9:30am – 1:00pm
Instructor: Holly Benner
No required texts.