Monday, March 18, 2013

Soup & Salad Luncheon at Redeemer This Coming Sunday Morning

You are invited to a Soup and Salad luncheon!
$5 per person or $20 per family.

Some Redeemer family members will be going to the
Amazon for a mission trip with the Amazon
Medical Mission group. We need help with
ticket/room and board costs. Any additional funds
will support the local churches in Iquitos.

Sunday, March 24th
Starts right after service (12:30ish)
5305 Evergreen Dr, Monroe
Enjoy soup, salad, dessert and raffles!

Bring the family!
We will have a craft
table for kids!

We need salad and dessert donations. If you can help with that, please call:
April at 734-231-3905 or Tara at 734-777-8045.