Saturday, December 01, 2012

Preparation Evening (for the Chili Cookoff)

Tomorrow is the chili cookoff and lunch at Redeemer. Tonight I am making my secret chili recipe, which will slow cook overnight (in the garage, because of the ghost fumes) for tomorrow's chili lunch at Redeemer: plum tomatoes, chili powder, hamburger, white onions, chili beans. dried ghost peppers (diced to release the seeds), other misc. peppers, flour, Dave's Insanity Sauce (full bottle), Dave's Ghost Pepper Sauce (full bottle), whole fire garlics (diced)...

My crockpot of chili is now slow-cooking in the garage. After I poured the bottles of Insanity Sauce and Ghost Pepper Sauce into the mix my eyes began to burn just from the fumes.

I sampled a teeny, tiny tip of a pepper a friend gave me. It lit up my mouth! I placed the pepper into the pot.

I'll be serving up my chili tomorrow, in very tiny 1/16 tsps to anyone who wants to try.