Tuesday, June 26, 2012

With Many Friends in Green Lake, Wisconsin

Linda and I are at our conference in Green Lake, Wisconsin. I think we have about 100 Redeemer people here! This encourgaes me, beczuse the things God is pouring into us all wil strengthen our church family.

And, we are with many people who have become dear friends over the years. It is so good to see them again!

J.P. Moreland has been speaking. He is sinply one of the best teachers I have ever seen. He has been talking about the idea of the "empty self" in our culture and its misguided quest for happiness. Happiness, J.P. told us, is a wonderful byproduct of a life well-livd but a horrible goal to go after.

J.P. also spoke about solitude, fasting, ptrayer, and gratefulness. What he shared about practicing gratefulness was beautiful. God, through J.P., has given us all a lot of very practical ways to live life well in the name of Jesus.

Darren Wilson spoke about Moses as an example of a weak, murderous individual whom God chose to be His "friend." Darren also showed us an extended clip from his new movie "Father of Lights." (Our "Father of Lights" showing in Michigan, at Redeemer, is already packed out (600-700?).

Philip Mantofa spoke last evening and gave a message very similar to the one he gave at Redeemer. It was both loving and truthful, and even at times humorous and playful, as God spoke through Philip about the decline of the American church and its acquiescence to our secularizing culture.

This morning Clay Ford will speak, and J.P. will teach after that.

I'll be leading my seminar/workshop at 11 AM today on "How I Respond to the Issue of Same-Sex Marriage."

Please pray for us as we are here, and that God will do good things in our hearts that will lead to greater service to Him and His Kingdom.