Ravi Kandal from Bangalore, India, will be at Redeemer THIS WEEKEND - June 11-12.
Sat. night - 7 pm
Sun. morning - 10:30 am
Sun. evening - 7 pm
Ravi is going to be in Darren Wilson's coming film "Father of Lights." Will Hart has also traveled and ministered with Ravi.
Ravi's focus includes:
1. Evangelism that focuses on religious belief’s, worldly influences, and critical thinkers.
2. Addressing and embracing the outcasts and unwanted in the society we live.
3. Spiritual disciplines that focus the mind and heart on the “Kingdom Perspective.”
4. Training that comes alongside to the two individuals from an Orphan and widows perspective, to a victorious life in Jesus to it’s fullest
5. Revealing the unfolded revelation of the Kingdom message