Friday, April 22, 2011

An Excellent (and Free!) On-line Book on Understanding the Power of God

On Sunday morning (4/24/11) I'm preaching on one verse - 1 Corinthians 4:20: For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. I am so excited and expectant about this! My expectation is that God will demonstrate his power for us. This means that Easter Sunday will not be "all talk" and no power.

My research this week landed on an excellent, scholarly book that is free on-line. It is: The Power of the Cross: The Biblical Place of Healing and Gift-Based Ministry in Proclaiming the Gospel (Edited by Gary S. Greig, Ph.D. and Kevin N. Springer, M.A.). Some very good scholars write exhaustive essays. They are:

Old Testament Foundations: Prophetic Ministry, Signs, Wonders and the Substitutionary Atonement of Isaiah 53, by Jeffrey Niehaus (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
Should Christians Expect Miracles Today? Objections and Answers from the Bible, Wayne Grudem (Trinity Evangelical Divinity)

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Gary S. Greig (Gospel Light Publications and Fuller Theological Seminary)

Following Christ's Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship, Don Williams (Vineyard Christian Fellowship, La Jolla)

The Empowered Christian Life, J. I. Packer (Regent College)


Pastoral Reflections On The Importance Of Praying For The Sick And Overcoming The Evil One In The Power Of The Spirit, Roger Barrier (Casas Adobes Baptist Church, Tuscon)

A Pastor's Account Of Seeing The Power of the Gospel at Work Through Prayer for Healing and Deliverance, Lloyd Fretz (Missionary Church, Canada East)

Coming Out of the Hangar: Confessions of an Evangelical Deist, Kirk Bottomly (Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Thousand Oaks)


The Proclamation Of The Gospel With Accompanying Charismata in Post-Biblical Early Church History, Stanley M. Burgess (Southwest Missouri State Univeristy)

A Psychiatrist’s View of the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Behavioral Phenomena Associated with Revival, Healing, and Gift-Based Ministry, John White (Cloverdale, British Columbia)

A Social Anthropologist's Analysis of Contemporary Healing, David C. Lewis (The University of Cambridge)

The Power of God for Christians Who Ride Two Horses: Communicating and Ministering the Power of the Gospel Crossculturally, Charles H. and Marguerite G. Kraft (Fuller Theological Seminary and Biola University)

Appendix 2: John 14:12--The Commission to All Believers to Do the Miraculous Works of Jesus

Appendix 3: Mat. 28:18-20--The Great Commission and Jesus' Commands to Preach and Heal

Appendix 4: Spiritual Gifts--A Wonder-Working God versus a Wonder-Working Church?

Appendix 5: Spiritual Warfare--A Biblical View of Demons and God-Directed Weapons

Appendix 6: Models of Prayer for Healing and Related Phenomena

Appendix 7: The Sufficiency of Scripture and Distortion of What Scripture Teaches about Itself