Christian hipsterism - beer drinking, Jon Stewart-watching, Thomas Kincade-avoiding, art museum-imbibing, intellectually rigorous (at least trying to be), Sartre-reflecting (actually reading L'Etre et Le Neant??? - l'Être et le nÉant de sartre et dans la thÉorie de la relativitÉ restreinte ), Radiohead/Arcade Fire earbudding, fair trade coffee-sipping, tobacco smoking, Toms shoes-wearing, thrift store-shopping, Steinbeck-reading, cool-walking, Bible-studying, Jesus-loving, hip-Kingdom people of God.
Well, way back in the early 70s I was an ex-drugging, bell bottom-wearing, long-hairing, psychedelic Jesus-loving, flower-bearing, sandals-walking, VW-vanning, C.S. Lewis-quoting, Wittgenstein-reading, Larry Norman-listening, beard-growing, street-witnessing, rock guitar-playing, caffeine-guzzling, peace-loving, tie dye shirt-flaunting, folk-singing, groovy-Kingdom God child.