Redeemer Ministry School Students: Tonight's Prophecy class and tomorrow morning's Preaching class have been cancelled. I've talked with Jim Collins - he and I are looking at when he can come to our Prophecy class and share on a future date.
The weather report we are looking at has up to 10 inches of snow + strong winds starting some time tonight and blowing and drifting tomorrow.
So today...
- abide in Jesus
- enjoy God's creation
- listen to beautiful worship music
- re-read ch. 9 of Mike Bickle's book
- eat fruits and vegetables
- take a snow-walk
- write in your journal
- pray (prayer is talking with God about what you and he are doing together)
- feed the birds
- fire up the snowblower
- meditate on John 17:6-12 (I'm preaching on those verses this coming Sunday)
- invite a friend to see "Furious Love" at Redeemer this Sunday night (6 PM)
- get some alone-time with God (solitude)
- count your blessings
- relax outside in a chair in your backyard
- and be renewed in your spirit.