For the last two years Linda and I have enjoyed watching "John & Kate + 8." Last summer I bought their book for Linda to read - Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets. About the book: "Kate admits, "I was a bit of a control freak," yet also quickly draws on and receives the "peace of God... like a security blanket" through her months in the hospital, Jon's job loss and the impending arrivals... The Gosselins' life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets... In addition to their uphill medical battle, the family suffered many emotional setbacks such as the loss of Jon's job, forcing the pair to look to God as their sole provider and sustainer of life."
It was the God-thing that kept my interest. And I started to love these children.
Now John & Kate are "separating." If you didn't know this you've never looked at a magazine rack. For all the world to see. When their kids get older they'll be able to watch repeats of their mom and dad sharing their marital struggles before the entire world. All their friends will see their family implode. I can't imagine being one of these kids and watching mom and dad complain about the paparazzzi while their foundation crumbled, and telling the world their kids are what's most important. Soon they'll be 8 more people in the world to counsel...
John & Kate say: "Our kids are what matters." "Our kids are the most important thing to us." "John won't talk to me." (Kate is a control freak; John is passive-aggressive.) "We've been spending quality time alone with the kids." "I don't hate Kate..., but..." "I have to do what's best for me and my kids" (says John). "This is the hardest episode ever." "I was too passive - I just let her rule the roost." "I will do anything for my kids."
Right. I feel angry.
John & Kate - get off TV and save your marriage. For your kids' sake. They need you both. For the sake of God. Time to look to God (not the media, which you've chosen to embrace) as the sole provider of your lives. God can help you now. Your marriage can be saved. Contact me. I'll show you how.