Darren Wilson, a professor at Judson College in Elgin, Illinois, is a graduate of Monroe High School. Darren has just finished production on his film “Finger of God.”
Darren writes: “The question on everyone’s mind is simple, yet difficult to answer completely. What is the film about? The answer is not necessarily cut and dry. It’s about miracles. Signs and wonders. The death of religion. The call for more than just a belief. The power of Love. Stories that shake the very foundation of one’s belief system. The film is about a lot of thing, but more than anything, it is designed to make God famous.”
I got to see a showing last Saturday evening. I loved the film and was moved by it.
Darren’s movie will premier here in Monroe at Redeemer Fellowship Church, Sunday evening, December 9, 6:30 PM.
Darren’s film blog is here.
FYI - Darren is the son of Gary and Linda Wilson. Gary is long-time professor of art at MCCC.