On Friday Linda and I fly to Wichita where I will be one of the speakers at Prairie Fire 2007. It happens all day Saturday on a 7000-acre ranch an hour west of the city. You can see details here.
I am going to speak about the main message of Jesus, which is about the kingdom of God. I will explain the twofold way Jesus taught about the kingdom: 1)by proclaiming the good news of the kingdom; and 2) demonstrating the authority of the King in healing and delivering people out of the kingdom of darkness. And, I (i.e. God) am going to empower the people to walk in the authority of the King.
Here's my outline.
I – The Lost Message of the Kingdom of God
II – The Kingdom of God as the hermeneutical key to understanding the message of the Real Jesus - The “Kingdom” as not a place, but as the rule or reign of God.
III – Matthew 5-7 – The Ethics of the Kingdom of God
IV – The Parables of Jesus – What the Kingdom of God is Really Like
V – The Two Kingdoms
VI – What the Battle Is Really About
VII – The Mission of the Real Jesus
VIII – The “Method” of Jesus – Proclamation & Demonstration
IX – The Mission of Jesus is Our Mission Today
X – The Authority of the King, Given to Us
XI – Praying the Lord’s Prayer – Bringing Heaven to Earth