I'm sitting on our back deck on this beautiful summer morning. I just left our family room where Linda had been reading sections of her spiritual journal from summer 1992 to me. Linda is an excellent writer and recorder of her Jesus-journey. It was good to hear her sharing these things. We talked about this. And now I'm here, sitting in God's beautiful creation overlooking our back yard, typing.
Linda and I talked this morning about spiritual things. Some of these things were just for us, not to be shared with anyone else. Because Linda and I are married, and married people take much time to talk together. At least that's how it should be, right?
I am excited because Prayer Summer is beginning today! 200+ people are joining me in this. From all around our nation. If this includes you, then I have some things to share with you.
You and I, as Jesus-followers, are "church." We are Christ's "bride." Jesus is our "groom." A bride talks with the groom, often. At least this is how it should be. Because married people talk with each other..., a lot. "I ma my Beloved's and He is mine."
We have a Groom who longs to meet and communicate with us. My summer challenge to you is: do this. Meet with God, one-on-one, just you and God. Meet 30-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Of course you can meet more than that.
During this time, pray. Talk with God about what you and he are doing together. Listen to God speak to you. Write these things down in your spiritual journal. A spiritual journal is a record of the voice and activity of God in your life.
This is not some law-like, legalistic thing I am challenging you to do. It is all about relationship. With God. Lovers always meet with their Beloved. You don't have to make a law requiring that.
Why not stop, right now, and tell your Lord something like this: "Jesus, I begin today in your presence. Teach me to pray. I want to hear your voice. I want to deepen the level of intimacy I have with you. I am here to meet with you, now."
I bless you now with a greater abiding prayer life in Christ.
Let the conversation begin!
Prayer Summer begins June 1.
- I'm challenging you to three months of praying, 30-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week, from June through August.
- You'll be on my e-mail list. I'll be sending Prayer Summer people things I am writing about prayer, plus video clips of myself teaching about prayer and encouraging a life of prayer.
- Prayer Summer Kickoff: Sunday night, June 9, 6 PM. Location: Toledo Vineyard. If you cannot make this event the audio will be online. Worship led by the Vineyard Worship Team. Then, I will give a challenge and call to prayer.
- I'd like to hear testimonies that come out of a life of praying. Prayer Summer people can submit testimonies which I may choose to post on my website (with your permission).
- God's goal for me: mobilize more Jesus-followers into a life of actual praying.
If you want to be part of Prayer Summer and the Prayer Movement send me an e-mail and I'll add you to the group.
Cost: $0.
Investment: deeper relationship with God, individually and corporately.
Prayer is: talking with God about what you and he are doing together. Prayer is: communication within The Relationship. Prayer is: conversation with God. Let the Great Conversation begin!