Thursday, January 31, 2013

University of Michigan Kicks Intervarsity Christian Fellowship off Campus

The University of Michigan has kicked Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (ICF) off their campus because ICF requires that their leaders all be Christians.

See here.

"The University of Michigan is accused of kicking an Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter off campus because the group requires its leaders to be Christians – an apparent violation of the university’s non-discrimination policy."

"Sara Chang, an InterVarsity staff member at the University of Michigan, said they were given the option of submitting a revised constitution.

Instead, Chang and the other students decided to stand firm in their faith.
“For us, there’s no other option than to hold to the tenets of our faith,” she told Fox News. “We want to model a lifestyle of integrity. Holding the Bible as the inspired, divine word of God and seeing the commands for us to choose leaders who have a vibrant faith in Jesus – is obviously something very important that we want to continue to uphold.”
As a result of their decision, the university de-recognized the group – forcing them to relocate off campus."
Wow. I was a campus minister at Michigan State University in the 1980s. Things are way, way different now.

So... can the leaders of the Women's Swim Club be men?