I recently finished William Young's book "The Shack." I think I may be the last person on the planet to read it. I much enjoyed it, and mostly agree with Young's portrayal of the perichoretic trinitarian Godhead.
A side note: Young is a Bruce Cockburn fan, as am I. So I got a kick when Young has God the Father say, about Cockburn, "I love that child's songs! I am especially fond of Bruce, you know." (118)
Is Bruce Cockburn the greatest, most creative lyricist ever? Perhaps. I drank deeply of his music in the 80s and 90s. "What About the Bond?" is the greatest wedding song ever written. "Festival of Friends" makes one think of heaven. "All the Diamonds" is THE song about coming into a relationship with Jesus. And there's also "One Day I Walk," "Nicaragua," "Lovers In a Dangerous Time," "If I Had a Rocket Launcher," "Rumours of Glory," "The Trouble With Normal," and on and on goes Cockburn, king of the mixed metaphor. And, he is beloved by God, as the Father dwells in the shack listening to "Lord of the Starfields."